A Star In The Making!!

Zarastyn Mistry is all of 18, studying in her first year of BA from KC College and plays football! She has played University tournaments for Maharashtra; almost 7 time now, represented her school (J B Petit) football during MSSA matches for about 8 years and is currently playing for Bodyline FC.

“When I was at an age when I had to choose between Gymnastics and Football, for school, my brother, Cheo Mistry, almost 5 years older than me, encouraged me to take up football,” she informs, “and I am so glad he did that! I love football and I will continue playing it for as long as I can.”

She is now looking forward to playing the WIFA pre-qualifiers and is hoping her club qualifies.

Message for young girls playing the MSSA now:

“Football is great; value it. You are lucky to be able to play – I see my maid’s daughter who wants to play it, but can’t as her school doesn’t support sports and neither does she have that kind of money to spare. Don’t ever take Football for granted.” 

Message for girls in general:

“Playing sports is the best thing ever – firstly, it teaches one discipline; it teaches one the value of teamwork. Secondly, it keeps one fit. Thirdly, you get to travel a lot. I have travelled half of India already because of tournaments and I simply enjoy it!”


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