4 questions to ask yourselves before enrolling in a football academy

Ok, so we are clear that our little one has a keen interest in football. And we want to now enroll them in an academy… but how do we know which is the right one? With so many academies blooming up around every block, how do we know which ones are the ones best suited for our purpose?

Well, Anjali Shah, chairman and co-founder PIFA, and a recognised promoter of football, gives us a lowdown on what to ask ourselves before we zero down on a football academy.


1.Is the academy AIFF (All India Football Federation) accredited?

2.Who are the promoters of the academy? Are they qualified to be handling the future of your child’s football career? Is football their core competence?

3.Does the academy have a long term road map for your child?

4.Does the academy have high standards of child safety and protection?


The academy that answers all of these questions satisfactorily is the one for your child!


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