Aaditya Surve’s fighting spirit got him to the second round

Khush Kar tries to defend a shot of Aditya Surve

Aaditya Surve (IES Orion, Dadar) Vs Khush Shah (National Spring, Tardeo)

Boys U12

Results 5-1

Aaditya Surve (IES Orion, Dadar)

1.How long have you been playing tennis?

About 4-5 years now, if not more.

2.Why tennis? What inspired you to play tennis?

Roger Federer is my tennis inspiration; watching him play I too decided to pick up tennis. At first, I wasn’t that serious about the sport; but a few months down I fell in love with tennis!

3. Are you training at any professional training/coaching center?

Yes, I have been training at Don Bosco, Matunga for the past 4-5 Years

4.What is the best thing you love about tennis?

Service. Because, I feel that if my service is good then I can control the game…

5.How often do you practice?

7 days a week for nearly for 1.5 hours/day

Aaditya Surve is ecstatic after his victory

6.What are your future tennis goals?

Winning a Wimbeldon title for India (smiles). But immediate goal is to play for junior nationals…

7.Any current tennis achievements.

I am the winner of the Acres Club U-12 tournament.

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