Love at first sight!

One fine Saturday evening, watching her older sister play football, 7-year old Renee Talati fell in love with the game.. and has never looked back ever since. Her sister, 3 years older, was the goal keeper, playing for her school, and was at the receiving end of so much love and adulation on that day that Renee decided this was what she wanted too!

Football has been her constant companion through growing up years, as she attests “It was very hard in the beginning but I persevered. “

Playing with boys became a regular feature at Goans Ground, Churchgate in the early years; the tenacity to put her head down and move forward has helped her a lot. She attributes discipline, concentration and humility are major virtues that she picked up through the game.

Renee has had it great with supportive parents and older sister; but according to her, the current Indian Girls’ football scene is not all that rosy. She feels that a lot of parents are not as supportive of their daughters’ playing football as hers have been.

Although she would love to play WIFA, I-League and other international matches, being born in the UK has been going against her for a while; yet, she is hopeful of being allowed to play in coming season. Currently, she only plays for her college team (KC College) and her football club under the ‘foreign player’ category.

Message for young girls:

Perseverance and tenacity are the key to success. If you love something dearly, you have to put effort in nurturing it until it’s ready to shine.

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