5 Non-Mainstream Sports You Can Play At Your Usual Turf!

1) Kabaddi
Since the inception of the Pro Kabaddi League, Kabaddi’s popularity as a sport has grown immensely across the country. So the evident rise of locals picking up the sport is also seen in cities that have their Franchises. Hence, Cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Jaipur, Chennai & Hyderabad that have the Turf Culture for playing Box Cricket and Football sometimes have casual players trying their hand at Kabaddi. Although there may be a few turf owners who do not allow Kabaddi to be played at their venues, one can surely witness the Kabaddi fever right around the league. The Football markings anyway help to form a make-shift Kabaddi field.

2) Volleyball
The lack of infrastructure and accessibility for Volleyball has forced fans and enthusiasts to find unique ways and places to play their favorite sports. Playing Volleyball at Turfs is one such “jugaad”. A few turfs do keep nets and poles at their venues which works in the favor of players who want to play Volleyball. Most Volleyball courts are inaccessible to everyone and public grounds lack equipment and space. Hence, Volleyball is one such sport that is building its popularity at Turfs.

3) Throwball
Throwball is a very common sport to play amongst middle-aged sports enthusiasts. The beauty of Throwball is it can be played with unisex teams also and hence the age group between 30-50 who usually hang out within clans & groups incline it. Similar to Volleyball, a few turf owners manage to provide the right setting and equipment which makes it easier for folks to play their favorite sport and have fun.

4) Saakhli
As soon as you hear the word Saakhli, nostalgia kicks in. Well, it’s true! Saakhli a game is picking up as a game to be played at Turfs. It is usually played at community events, get-togethers, and bonding sessions that happen at turfs.

5)10 Bounces
10 Bounces is an upcoming game that has been on the rise for quite some time now. It is usually played for fun and bonding and does not have a competitive vibe to it. For the uninitiated, the players are split into two teams and the game has two halves of 10 minutes each. Depending upon the number of players, there can be rolling substitutes. The rules of the game are simple. A team needs to complete 10 passes of 1 bounce without the other team intercepting. A player cannot pass to the same person who passed to you. There is a goal at each end. You need to roll the ball through the goal from the position where you complete the 10th pass. A player can’t hold on to the ball for more than 5 secs at any point. If any pass is intercepted or incomplete, the other team starts their count from that position. This game is picked up by kids and parents for bonding purposes and is an absolute treat for participants.